Bless Unleashed Sunset

We've been publishing Bless Unleashed in partnership with Round8 since 2020, and we've enjoyed our time with our wonderful players. Unfortunately, this time is coming to an end. Our agreement with Round8 has come to an end, and we will not be able to continue supporting the game.

This was a hard decision for us, but we will be closing the servers at the end of November.

What this means for you:

  • We will continue to provide support through our ticketing and live chat system through the end of the year.
  • The servers will remain open until November 30, 11 AM Pacific time.
  • On November 30, 11 AM Pacific time, the servers will close for the final time.
  • Starting September 1, Lumena and other items will no longer be available from the Sony or Microsoft stores.
  • Starting September 1, all items in the in-game Lumena shop will be discounted to 1 Lumena.
  • We will continue to run in-game GM events until the servers close.

Thank you for your loyalty and support over the years.
    The Bless Unleashed Team

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