Combat or Stealth? Play Unknown 9: Awakening Your Way
Haroona isn’t afraid to adapt to difficult situations. Her journey as a Quaestor has taught her that enemy encounters don’t always require direct confrontation. Sometimes, a stealthy approach can be just as effective.
In Unknown 9: Awakening, you can help Haroona reach her full potential by tackling enemies any way you see fit. Whether you opt to blend into your environment and anticipate your opponent’s every move to better counterattack or engage in full-fledged combat using an array of abilities, our action-adventure game lets you shape your own gameplay experience.
Face danger head on.
If you aren’t afraid of direct confrontation, consider any one of these moves to tame opposing forces.
Push and Pull
If you’re more of a fighter, the Pull ability will quickly become one of your go-to talents. If an Ascendant soldier tries to keep their distance from you, reel them in closer and consider performing a follow-up combo with a kick or punch.
Like the Push ability, which enables you to send your enemies flying into the distance, this skill blends perfectly with any melee attack.
Umbric Attacks
You can always count on an element of surprise when engaging in combat. If you ever find yourself outnumbered and there's no exit in sight, consider unleashing a Heavy Umbric Attack. This power move increases your enemies' Fazed state. Once their Faze gauges are full, they become staggered, immobile, and especially vulnerable to attacks.
What’s more, when an enemy is fully Fazed, consider executing a Burst Attack—an automatic melee combo that deals significant damage to your target.
While Heavy Umbric Attacks are effective when fighting a crowd, a Light Umbric Attack works well when you want to zero in on a single enemy and maintain your Am reserves.
Ultimately, your Stepping ability is the best tool for crowd control. Pace the battle to your rhythm by moving Ascendants around like pawns on a chessboard. Whether you force them to attack each other or position them near environmental hazards, you’re sure to gain the upper hand.
Attack from the shadows.
For those who prefer to remain hidden until the perfect moment to strike, the Ripple is an essential skill to master. This small Umbric energy ball attracts enemies to a location of your choosing. Whether you lure them to the edge of a cliff so you can Push them off or lead them to a hazardous explosive which you can Crush from a distance, is up to you.

You can also send out a Ripple to cluster your opponents together, then perform consecutive Stepping attacks more easily. Take note: every additional Step you take in a series becomes more powerful than the previous one, allowing you to defeat stronger enemies as you go.
Unleash Umbric chaos!
The use of Umbric abilities aren’t restricted to a specific gameplay style. They can be wielded both in combat and in stealth. Stepping, for example, can be performed advantageously from the safety of tall grass or while in the throes of battle. What’s key is learning how to leverage the right combination of skills and adapt them to the appropriate situation.
Take the Shroud ability, which is an Umbric talent that fits easily into both stealth and combat approaches. Ideal for stalking or surprising your opponents, it can also be used to retreat from a dire situation or move around enemy territory undetected and shape the battle to fit your terms.

The classic way to leverage this ability is to use it to sneak up on an unsuspecting Ascendant, then perform a Takedown. You can also use the skill to position Haroona in the center of a crowd, then engage in Umbric Attacks to Faze surrounding enemies.
Play Unknown 9: Awakening Your Way.
What’s your gameplay style? Do you prefer face-to-face combat? Or is puppeteering opponents through a series of Stepping attacks more your style? Are you looking to wield your Shroud ability to engage in devastatingly sneaky Takedowns? Perhaps drawing upon a combination of Umbric abilities will be your key to success.
A resourceful Quaestor can devise the perfect approach to overcome any challenge on their path. After all, with so many abilities at your disposal, you have what it takes to perform an impressive number of combos.
Remember, every situation can be handled in a variety of ways. Don’t be afraid to test out different strategies.
Wishlist Unknown 9: Awakening today and read up on how to master all the gameplay options available. You’ll be more than ready to play the game the way you want to!