Unknown 9: Awakening’s Haroona is on a lengthy journey that isn’t hers alone. Along the way, she crosses valued allies and dangerous enemies, each with their own motivations. Follow along as we introduce you to our tenacious heroine’s friends and foes to better understand who you’ll be fighting alongside and against.

Name: Reika
Alias: N/A
Age: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown
Allegiance: Unknown
A seasoned Quaestor, wise well beyond her years, Reika’s worldly knowledge and distinctive command of the Fold will prove helpful to you as you play your way across Unknown 9: Awakening’s peculiar landscapes.
If you haven’t yet come across Reika, watch the official Story Trailer for a brief introduction to her, along with the game’s other major players.
A master of the Umbric arts.
The details of Reika’s early life are scarce. What we do know for sure is that her mystical propensity for precognition and astral projection emerged at a young age. These potent gifts would only ripen and intensify with time.
Now, with decades of experience under her belt and an impeccable command of the Fold, Reika’s infallible foresight, prophetic ability, and adeptness at Stepping into unsuspecting individuals make her a consummate wielder of Umbric power and a valued ally of yours as you play the game.
Haroona’s trusted mentor.
Reika first came upon a young Haroona while wandering the streets of Chamiri, a small town in Northern India. She knew she had stumbled upon a possible equal, someone strong enough to confront the Unknown. A rebellious child, alone, and unsure of what to make of her strange abilities, it seemed all Haroona needed to reach her full potential was someone to teach her the ways of the world and the intricacies of the Fold.
Reika tutored Haroona on many different subjects, from literature and music to languages, mathematics, and more. She also helped Haroona better understand her gifts, often speaking of the Fold, the Unknown 9, Quaestors, and the many stories that, taken together, formed humankind’s turbulent collective past. But it wasn’t until they reached the Sahara Desert that these learnings would prove invaluable.

Your guide to a seamless Awakening gameplay strategy.
Players, count yourselves lucky to benefit from Reika’s sage wisdom in the early stages of your journey. As you cross the desert’s wind-worn rock formations, take note of every word she utters.
Not only will Reika familiarize you with some of the eerie phenomena characteristic of the Unknown 9 universe, but the guidance she offers about how and when to channel the Fold and tap into your Umbric abilities will serve you well as you move from one chapter to the next.
Her tips on how to leverage your stealth abilities will allow you to attack (or distract) opponents from the shadows. Lessons on Pushing, Pulling, Crushing, and Stepping into your enemies will fast-track your transformation into a formidable combatant. Her pointers on how to scan your environment for unique Am-infused signals will keep you alive and expand your Umbric skill set.

An enduring presence within the Unknown 9 universe.
Sadly, Reika is destined to meet her end at the hands of her former pupil, Vincent Lichter, in a devastating desert showdown that propels both you and Haroona on a perilous retaliatory mission. That said, the Sahara Desert isn’t the only place you’ll come across Reika’s otherworldly wisdom. But only those who know where to look will grasp just how far-reaching her influence truly is.
Unknown 9: Awakening’s release on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC is slated for this fall. Have you added the game to your wish list yet?