Your Unknown 9: Awakening journey promises take you where few brave souls have dared to venture before.
Wondering how you’ll be getting around while exploring our action-adventure game’s (mostly) uncharted territory? You’ll be traveling in a state-of-the-art zeppelin known as the Morning Star.
1. The Morning Star was built by Geryon Airship Industries.
Publicly, Geryon is a European manufacturer of aircrafts for commercial and military use. Behind the scenes, however, the Leap Year Society uses its factory to develop and test top-secret advanced technology.
2. The Ascendants stole it from the LYS.
For the altruistic and idealistic Leap Year Society, airships represent technological progress and the promise of global connectivity. The Ascendants view them more as symbols of modernity and might.
Like so many LYS assets, Geryon was seized by the Ascendants during the Great Divide. They leveraged the company’s manufacturing capabilities to build an entire fleet of airships, many of which you’ll see in the video game.

3. To claim it, you must face off against a powerful enemy
Control of the Morning Star is the subject of your first major battle. We won’t spoil anything, but we will say that your opponent is a masterful tactician and, plain and simply, a stone-cold warrior.
4. If successful, the Morning Star will become your home base
Use your Umbric skills wisely to make this luxurious airship your principal residence for the remainder of your journey. Think of it as a haven between action-packed enemy encounters that offers plenty for you to discover.
5. It houses much enemy intelligence.
Remember, your first order of business is to seize the zeppelin from the Ascendants. Once you have the keys, whatever possessions or intelligence it contains are yours for the taking. Keep your eyes peeled… there are secrets scattered within it just waiting to be uncovered

6. This isn’t your average airship!
The geniuses at Geryon equipped the vessel with secret proprietary propulsion technology and security features, making it the fastest, most resilient zeppelin in the sky!
It’s also been decorated to Vincent’s specifications in grandiose art-deco style. In fact, it was Vincent himself who commissioned the T-headed statues in his office. Rumor has it, he was inspired by something he saw in the Fold…
7. Secrets are waiting to be unlocked…
The Morning Star is no small airship. In fact, you’ll find new challenges, rooms to unlock, and secrets to be discovered every time you visit. You might even uncover a puzzle or two!
8. An onboard museum displays your discoveries.
There’s a lot you can knock Vincent for but being blasé about history isn’t one of them. You’ll find an entire room devoted to ancient relics aboard the Morning Star.
These priceless pieces can tell you a lot about the Unknown 9 universe. You may even see some items appear in other adventures. Plus, whatever artifacts Haroona discovers along the way will be on display in the museum on her next visit!

9. Compelling companions have much to reveal to you.
Airships don’t run on their own. It takes a sizeable crew to man the helm, the engines… not to mention the bar! The LYS members who fill these stations each have a story to tell, revealing new bits of information about the world of Unknown 9.
Don’t miss out on these optional dialogue moments. They will teach you about the larger narrative universe and its most important characters!